JCR Committee Meeting 10/05/24 Minutes

JCR Committee Meeting 10/05/24 Minutes

In attendance: Lucas Ng (President); Emily Darnell (Vice-President); Sam Partridge (Treasurer); Valeria Hollo (Welfare Officer); Tom Mills (Internet Officer); Eliza Sears-Rowe (Communications Officer); Senya Kang and Apple Sershi (Entertainment Officers); Lily Ellis (LGBTQ+ Officer); Sophie Clargo and Andro Lusung (Green Officers); Nathan Ng (International Officer); Charlie Monkman (Sports Officer); Dara Osinowo (BAME Officer); Millie Maskell and Sophie Davies (Freshers’ Officers); Jenny Kitchingham (Access Officer); Fatima Jilani (Disabilities and Mental Health Officer); Stella Wilson (Stash Officer); Ethan Wrightson (Academic Affairs, Social Mobility, and Careers Officer).

Apologies: Alice Roberts (LGBTQ+ Officer); Tanelle Reid (Accommodation and Services Officer)

Clarification of JCR positions eligible for by Foundation Year students

  • Lucas has clarified that foundation year students are officially recognised as part of the JCR and discussed which committee roles those students should be eligible for, since in some cases they will leave during their term.
  • Tom suggested that senior roles should not be occupied by foundation year students, since they are integral to the committee and students may be difficult to contact if they leave over the summer. Sophie put forward that positions with two officers should be open to foundation year students if the other officer is not since there would still be continuity. Lily said that re-elections at the beginning of the academic year would not be an issue if an officer did leave over the summer.

Internet Updates

  • Tom explained that currently, emails addressed to the JCR accounts go to the officer’s personal inbox, and they are given permission to send from the JCR address, but this is changing so that each position’s email will have its own account and inbox. He will be able to clarify the time scale and explanation of how this will work after a meeting on Monday.
    • This will make handovers easier with future officers, however an issue is that they will be able to see all of the emails their predecessors have sent and received; the Welfare Officers may want separate accounts each year or for it to be wiped so that personal information will not be accessible by future officers.
  • Tom has been working on a new website for the JCR, which he will be finishing at the end of term.

Gown Donation Scheme

  • The Green Officers have sent out a feedback form about the gown donation scheme and have received positive feedback; half of respondents would be willing to consider donating their gown, but people are reluctant to actually do so because of the sentimental value of their gown. Lucas and Emily plan to talk to College about an incentive to go along with the scheme, such as a free graduation photo, and the Head Freps will circulate information about the scheme for incoming freshers needing gowns.

DCAC Reserves Policy

  • Lucas explained that there is a large amount of money set aside for unexpected purchases of the JCR, which has been used previously for the college punt and the gym refurbishment. The JCR’s excess money used to be added to it, but College have stopped this since it was deemed to be growing too much. However, there is no policy for if the fund gets too low, so Lucas has spoken to the Senior Bursar, who suggested that £10,000 be added to the reserves per year, which the JCR would be allowed to spend.
  • Sam explained that the Gardeners have requested the use of this money for the upgrade of the Wellbeing Garden in Lensfield 50. Lucas said that the garden is a significant upgrade and so the budget of £5,000 is reasonable, although they are considering the scale of the proposed upgrade if it is approved by the DCAC committee.

Officer Updates

  • Sam had no updates.
  • Tom passed on some information from Tanelle about the balloting survey; people have been giving feedback via the form on the process of selecting rooms, which will be used to produce a report on the ballot later in the year. This will include a discussion of the bands, rooms, and lease lengths, as well as the experience of engaging with it, so the feedback is appreciated.
    • Sophie asked if College needs a certain number of long lease contracts. Tom explained that using accommodation over the breaks, such as for conferencing, is more profitable for College than long contracts, and so there is an upper limit on the number of long leases.
  • Lily reported that the Rainbow Formal on the 5th June has been organised, and the LGBT Officers would also like to have a welfare event this term.
  • The Ents Officers have set a date for the Garden Party, 14th June, however there is an issue with the accounts because the money for Halfway Hall had not been taken when the previous JCR ent was being organised and paid for.
    • Lucas suggested that they opt for Downing catering, as the accounts will not be an issue if the money is all internal.
    • Senya estimated that the ticket price will be around £20, and they are planning to have around 200 people attend since the paddock is big enough and there is no Downing May Ball this year.
    • Apple said that they have been considering sponsorships. Emily said that College may not be happy about this, and Sam explained that there is a formal sponsorship process already within College.
    • The use of the Boat Club’s marquee was discussed, and Emily said that the JCR has always been allowed to use any marquees hired by College in the past.
  • Jenny has put out a form for feedback on the Offer Holders’ Day, since College are not sure if it is worth having although they are keen for it to continue.
    • The fact that invitations to it are restricted by vague qualifying criteria was discussed; Jenny would like more clarification about how it is decided.
    • An alternative Offer Holders’ Day open to all, not restricted by access criteria, was discussed, but this would be logistically difficult for College; they currently reimburse expenses and would not be able to do so on a larger scale, which might mean that only financially privileged students or those living near Cambridge would be able to attend.
    • Emily suggested having a virtual event open to all offer holders, whilst keeping the Access event in person and overnight. She and Lucas will discuss this at the next roundtable.
  • The Green Officers reported a reduction in food waste as a result of the offers at Slops. Andro is considering enforcing that people bring their own food containers to also cut down on plastic waste, as well as having bins on the paddock to reduce litter. Looking to Michaelmas, Sophie is planning a clothes swap, potentially in collaboration with other colleges, and a DIY-costume event before any themed Ents, or before Halloween.
    • Valeria suggested that this could include formal dresses.
  • The Head Freps reported that they have organised the Marriage Formal, with final details coming soon. They have finished the Freshers’ handbook.
    • College were not happy with the subject representation of the Frep team, but this is an issue for next years’ Head Freps to consider since the team has already been selected.
  • Stella has organised a stash drop this week.
  • Ethan had no updates.
  • Charlie has organised the Varsity Sports Day which is going ahead; the number of people attending has decreased but this is understandable as it is exam term.
  • Emily has begun the initial plans for the refurbishment of the JCR.
    • Lucas said that the money from the reserves policy can be used, starting with a budget of £10,000.
    • Emily said that it will likely exceed this as College will want to prioritise high quality furniture and building work. She will try and keep the overall cost down, and may use some money from the bar reserves.
    • Lucas explained that College ensures that the bar make a significant profit, which is put into reserves that they do not spend.
  • Nathan has been trying to sort out the NPR requests.
  • Fatima had no updates.
  • Eliza put out a bulletin at the beginning of term and has had a good amount of engagement with it via the JCR Instagram account.
  • Dara has been talking to other colleges about arranging a sports day, and is also planning a casual event in Downing soon. Her and Khalid have discussed having a water fight on the paddock after exams.
  • Valeria reported that the first welfare event went well, and they are holding a mug painting session soon, as well as free Jacks’ Gelato on the paddock on 24th May. She is in the process of engaging with the nurses about the sexual health services available to students.
  • Lucas has been sitting in with college committees, as well as the weekly roundtable with Rob Beardwell and Sarah. The new college punt should be coming this week. He has organised extension cords in R4 and the Butterfield, and is pushing for WiFi in the library basement. He has submitted a paper to College about covering the bike sheds, especially on Lensfield Road.


Any Other Business

  • Lily asked about the JCR’s position on political statements, in relation to welfare and the conflict in Palestine.
    • Lucas explained that Downing has not released a statement of this nature before. The position last year was that the JCR should be politically neutral and should support its students whilst not being politically involved.
    • Tom explained that any statement would be released on behalf of Downing students, so it would be assumed that everyone agreed with it. The role of the JCR is to represent the students’ views internally to college.
    • Emily suggested that to remain politically neutral is the most inclusive option, since if people disagree with the chosen position they will feel disconnected from and unrepresented by the JCR.
    • Fatima said that whilst a statement may be too politically involved, welfare and mental health is internal to college and something that the JCR is concerned with, so a statement about the effects on students would be appropriate.
    • Emily suggested that this could signpost students to welfare officers and relevant resources and could be sent out by the welfare team so that it is clearly not a statement of a political stance by the JCR.
    • Lucas agreed that we should support our students internally without the JCR making a wider political statement.
  • Valeria discussed the part of the welfare budget being used for cup covers, and asked how that is being run and whether people are using them.
    • Sam said that £800 of budget is allocated for cup covers, which has been used, and they are in the bar.

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