Sexual Health and Assault

It is important to be educated about safe sex practices. This includes awareness of sexually transmitted infections (STIs); what they are, how to avoid them, and how to treat them.

The following resources are available for information about sexual health, and the services available to you.

College Nurses

The college nurses are able to offer information and some sexual health supplies for Downing students.

Cambridge SU Sexual Health Scheme

The student union's sexual health scheme provides free sexual health supplies. This is organised through each college's welfare officers, so please feel free to reach out to the JCR Welfare Officers (email [email protected]) if needed.

See their website for more detailed information on the sexual health scheme.


Please find below some helpful resources to find information on sexual health. We encourage everyone to research and educate themselves about safe sexual practices.

NHS Contraception Guide

NHS Sexual Health Website

Planned Parenthood Website

Consent is everything website

British Pregnancy Advisory Service Website


Cambridge based organisation who provide sexual health and HIV support, information, and education for all. Visit their website for more information.

Clinic in Cambridge

Lime Tree Clinic

Information on sexual assault

If you feel unsafe at any point while at the university, you can always call the Downing porters ( 01223 334800), or approach the nearest college's porter's lodge.

Hopefully this will never happen, but if you do experience sexual harassment, assault or rape, know that you are not alone and it was not your fault. Should you choose to, you can report the incident to the University and/or the police.

Key messages for you, if you have experienced sexual misconduct, harassment or violence:

See also the mental health services available to you (for more information see the mental health services tab on this website)

See also:

University Sexual Assault Policy 

Here is a brief overview of the University Procedure​ and a short animation which summarises the changes.

General University advice and Guidelines can be found here

Man Kind Counselling offers services for male victims of sexual violence.

Cambridge rape counselling centre offers services for female victims of sexual violence.

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