JCR Committee Meeting Minutes 14/11/2024

In attendance: Lucas Ng (President); Emily Darnell (Vice-President); Sam Partridge (Treasurer); Valeria Hollo and Isabella Lawrence (Welfare Officers); Tom Mills (Internet Officer); Eliza Sears-Rowe (Communications Officer); Senya Kang (Entertainment Officer); Alice Roberts (LGBTQ+ Officer); Sophie Clargo and Andro Lusung (Green Officers); Charlie Monkman (Sports Officer); Sophie Davies (Freshers’ Officer); Jenny Kitchingham (Access Officer); Stella Wilson (Stash Officer); Ethan Wrightson (Academic Affairs, Social Mobility, and Careers Officer)

Eligibility of Foundation Year students to run for Head Frep

  • It has been decided that Foundation Year students should not be eligible to run for the role of Head Frep.
  • Tom pointed out that other roles can be filled in September should a student not continue on, but this is not possible with Head Freps.
  • Senya suggested that it should be fine for Foundation Year students to be freps but not Head Frep.


  • The Master, Graham Virgo, attended to discuss the trees in front of the Chapel and their possible removal.
  • Graham Virgo explained that the trees have grown a lot, and the decision of the Governing Body was to prune them; he met with a tree surgeon, who said not to prune them and thought that the Council wouldn’t give permission because they will grow back bushier. Any decision to remove the trees will have to be approved by the Council; the tree surgeon thought that the Council wouldn’t allow for complete removal. There is a suggestion that the trees are too close together and are struggling; if there is a hot summer again some trees might die. It would be better to take out the trees soon in a specific pattern rather than let them randomly die. There are plans to plant other trees, but this may be delayed as there are some potential building plans over the long term and trees could not be planted in those areas. It would take a week to remove the trees and would make a lot of noise so would take place during the vacation, which would not affect the May Ball.
  • Lucas explained that the College’s main argument for removing the trees is the issue of control, so that they will not die in a random arrangement. The trees on the far ends may have to be removed anyway as they are close to the buildings.
  • The Committee has accepted the current plan, but suggested that College should be clear about the rationale, that being to prevent the trees dying, rather than concerns about having a clear view of the Chapel or the ‘character of the College’ which have been voiced by a few Fellows.

Officer Updates

  • Lucas: there is now WiFi in the library basement, and a women’s hour in the gym
  • Sam: the budget has now been approved and people should be able to log in and see their budget (forms.downingjcr.co.uk - for treasurers and presidents of societies)
  • Sophie: freshers’ week went well and mostly stuck to budget
  • Tom: the JCR now has a new website, and the new Committee emails are mostly sorted
  • Eliza: there haven’t been any bulletins as there haven’t been enough notices/events to put in one, but there should be one coming soon
  • Alice: held a quiz which had a good turnout, and thinking of marking Trans Day of Remembrance
  • Stella: there has been a stash drop, new trackies; potentially new stash designed by students in a competition; may make JCR stash
  • Black History Month Formal was successful; planning to do a pizza night in 2 weeks
  • Charlie: women’s gym hours are ongoing; looking into getting new gym equipment although College is reluctant to get rid of the existing equipment; idea to remove a cycling machine for a Stairmaster
  • Senya: the start of term ent went well; planning a Christmas silent disco in the JCR; thinking about a different building although spaces are restricted, also thinking about a potential ent swap
  • Jenny: the academic discussions are going ahead, had sign-ups
  • Sophie and Andro: clothes swap went well; there has been good feedback on the extra food initiative; planning to run a donation drive for food; looking to do a plant based formal swap; encouraging people to donate their gowns when returning for their MA graduation; thinking of donating kitchen equipment
  • Ethan: the university challenge team has been selected


  • Concerns from students about accommodation breaching privacy have been raised to the Welfare Officers, including concerns about item confiscations, images of items being taken and staff entering rooms. Some students have felt that items have been taken without reason, and images have been taken without their knowledge or permission. There is a need for greater transparency.
  • Lucas will bring this up at the next roundtable.
  • College are looking into the issue of insurance, and have contacted students who opted out of it on the online form.

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